How to manipulate JSON in OCaml?
by Danny Willems
Use PPX Deriving JSON. PPX is a syntax extension and PPX Deriving JSON derives functions when annotating a type to convert from and to JSON.
type person = {
name: string;
age: int;
} [@@deriving yojson]
will generate the functions
type person = { name : string; age : int; }
val person_to_yojson : person -> Yojson.Safe.json = <fun>
val person_of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> person Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or = <fun>
You can then play with the converters like this:
let x : person = {name = "hello"; age = 15};;
(* val x : person = {name = "hello"; age = 15} *)
person_to_yojson x;;
(* - : Yojson.Safe.json = `Assoc [("name", `String "hello"); ("age", `Int 15)] *)
If you use dune, you’ve got to use this
((name test)
(public_name test)
(modules (test))
(libraries (yojson ppx_deriving ppx_deriving.runtime
(preprocess (pps (ppx_deriving ppx_deriving_yojson)))
tags: OCaml - JSON - PPX - RSSIf the type is called
, the functions areto_json