Danny Willems -- Work In Progress

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14 January 2019

Play with Tezos - Tezos_crypto module and Ed25519 elliptic curve

by Danny Willems

Let’s play today with some submodules of Tezos_crypto. First, compile Tezos and install utop

git clone https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/ /tmp/tezos-play
cd /tmp/tezos-play
make build-deps
eval $(opam config env)
make build-dev-deps
opam install utop

Now, move to the directory src/lib_crypto and run dune utop.

cd src/lib_crypto
dune utop

For the moment, Tezos does support 3 elliptic curves: Ed25519, P256 and secp256k1. Today, we are going to focus on Ed25519, implemented using a binding to HaCl (see open HaCl statement at the top of the file).

Tezos uses the base58 prefixes edsk for the Ed25519 private keys and edpk for the public keys to encode the keys. You can check the prefixes here. The relevant OCaml module in lib_crypto to play with Ed25519 is ed25519.ml.

Let’s take one Ed25519 private key, encoded in base58 using the Tezos prefix: edsk31vznjHSSpGExDMHYASz45VZqXN4DPxvsa4hAyY8dHM28cZzp6. That’s the one generated for you when you create a Tezos sandbox environment.

The top module does also provide a function to generate a keypair:

let pkh, pk, sk = Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.generate_key ();;
(* val pkh : Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t = <abstr> *)
(* val pk : Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key.t = <abstr> *)
(* val sk : Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Secret_key.t = <abstr> *)

The pubkeyhash (pkh) is the corresponding tz1 address. See below.

The module we are interested in is Tezos_crypto__Ed25519. It does provide the submodules Secret_key and Public_key to respectively manage secret and public keys. The top module and the type Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.t is used to represent a signature:

let ed_sk = Tezos_crypto__Ed25519.Secret_key.of_b58check_exn
(* val ed_sk : Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Secret_key.t = <abstr> *)
let ed_pk = Tezos_crypto__Ed25519.Secret_key.to_public_key ed_sk;;
(* val ed_pk : Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key.t = <abstr> *)
let base58_ed_pk = Tezos_crypto__Ed25519.Public_key.to_b58check ed_pk;;
(* val base58_ed_pk : string =
  "edpkuSLWfVU1Vq7Jg9FucPyKmma6otcMHac9zG4oU1KMHSTBpJuGQ2" *)

Notice the secret key and the public key have different types, respectively Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Secret_key.t and Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key.t. Even if intrinsically, secret and public keys are bytes, the type system avoids using a secret key in place of a public key and vice versa in the different functions.

Let’s now sign and verify a message with these keys using Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.sign and Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.check:

let signature = Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.sign ed_sk (Bytes.of_string "Hello, World!");;
(* val signature : Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.t = <abstr> *)
Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.check ed_pk signature (Bytes.of_string "Hello, World!");;
(* - : bool = true *)

The message can be any document, and these functions may be used to verify Alice signs the document. We also expect the check function to return false if Eve signs the message:

(* We generate a random secret key (which would be Eve's) to sign the message *)
let _, _, eve_ed_sk = Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.generate_key ();;
let signature = Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.sign eve_ed_sk (Bytes.of_string "Hello, World!");;
(* and Bob checks the signature using Alice public key, ed_pk in our case, which is invalid *)
Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.check ed_pk signature (Bytes.of_string "Hello, World!");;
(* - : bool = false *)

It is worth to mention, thanks to the type system, we cannot use a public key to sign a message:

let signature = Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.sign ed_pk (Bytes.of_string "Hello, World!");;
(* Error: This expression has type Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key.t
       but an expression was expected of type Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Secret_key.t

and we cannot use a secret key to verify a signature:

Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.check ed_sk signature;;
(* Error: This expression has type Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Secret_key.t
       but an expression was expected of type Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key.t

To get the Tezos address related to this keypair, we use the module Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key_hash. Let’s remind a Tezos address is simply a hash of the public key, base58 encoded with a specific prefix. The public key hash for a Ed25519 keypair starts with tz1. To get the hash of the public key as bytes (as a Bytes.t type in Tezos codebase), we use the function Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key.hash:

let decoded_pkh = Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key.hash pk;;
(* val decoded_pkh : Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t = <abstr> *)

Let’s finish with the base58 encoded version of the public key hash:

let b58_encoded_pkh = Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key_hash.to_b58check decoded_pkh;;
(* val b58_encoded_pkh : string = "tz1cp2CRXtX3dDWTtqbTocCTmMdKv69AuWNb" *)
tags: OCaml - Tezos - Cryptography - ED25519 - Elliptic Curve - EC - RSS