ProtonVPN - DNS issue
by Danny Willems
You may encounter issues while using protonvpn on Ubuntu. I ended up multiple times without any way to reach servers. Pinging IP works, but not DNS resolution. It was related to a ProtonVPN issue.
When connecting to ProtonVPN, some connections are created.
nmcli connection show --active # to list all active connections
nmcli connection show # to list active and inactive connections
When you are not connected to a ProtonVPN server, there is still one active
connection related to ipv6, pvpn-ipv6leak-protection
Delete the connection:
nmcli connection delete pvpn-ipv6leak-protection
Should be fine now.
It is also causing issues while my laptop is suspended.
tags: protonvpn - dns - ipv6 - leak protection - Linux - cli - RSS