Danny Willems -- Work In Progress

Fighting to follow my values. Integrity is key. Reputation is key. Fighting for privacy and security on the Internet. Being respectful is your first duty.

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17 November 2023

A drafty and disorganized retrospective of Devconnect 2023

by Danny Willems

I will maybe edit this later…

Devconnect is ending. We are the 18 November 2023. It was for me my first Devconnect. The first time I went public to an Ethereum event. It was also my first time at a ZK Hack. And I have to be honest, I have been astonished by how the industry is growing. I cannot make a list of the projects, papers and codes as I struggle remember all of them. Even a small part.

The privacy-preserving industry, using in particular zero-knowledge cryptography, becomes sensitively more serious. VC seeks good builders, founders and researchers. And the results are there. We can do better of course. But wow. Very hard to catch up with everything. I realised I was late on so many things.

But still. I realised there are projects that do not make sense and should not exist. I won’t give name of course. I also met people only there to put themselves forward, without actually thinking about the goods they can do for the industry. I met PM and builders that were trashing on their previous companies they moved from recently or simply on competitors. That is lame. We try to do our best, we invest our time in communities.

I want to emphasize that we are on a mission. We are here to try to buidl a better Internet, to buidl a safer Internet. It is only the beginning of a very long journey.

To grow in the industry, we have to stay humble. We have to continue to build. We have to continue to read.

Oh, and more importantly, I didn’t try to be a frog master :(. I know some friends did though :).

Very drafty post. Some minutes before going to Aleo party. Nothing technical or scientific, I know. Only some words to make sentences. Next for me will be the 0xVillage, before continuing to build and learn. And write docs. And write tests. Of course.

tags: devconnect - istanbul - retrospective