You said webdev, in 2024?
by Danny Willems
Back to web development… I’m working on a small invoicing product I’d like to release in a few weeks. It is mostly for my companies, BaDaaS and LeakIX, that I am developping it, but I am sure that more companies will benefit from it. When a company grows, it is time to build your own solutions. And stop using external tools. That’s what I am doing. I started the backend two weeks ago. It works. Easy peasy. 4 hours. Come the front. Spent an afternoon making a single page in CSS/HTML. Woooow. Where is the jQuery time in early 2000’s? I remember myself coding on an old thinkpad, some MB of RAM, teenager, making some simple webpages with links, uploading with FileZilla to my 128MB RAM, Celeron server. Anyway… Let’s go back. We’ve got to evolve with the industry. Let’s do it.
So. Starting with the new terms in the CSS ecosystem. It seems people came with some names to classify classes. I started reading SMACCS. I recommend. No summary to make. Pretty straightforward.
Another interesting page I read was about the different units to express lengths. Sure, we might think it is straightforward, but it is not! We cannot say “One size (unit) to rule them all”. This page is interesting.
What I would remember from this link:
But for font sizes it is even better to use em. The idea is (1) to not set the font size of the BODY element (in HTML), but use the default size of the device, because that is a size that the reader can comfortably read; and (2) express font sizes of other elements in em: H1 {font-size: 2.5em} to make the H1 2½ times as big as the normal, body font.