Danny Willems -- Work In Progress

A mathematician fighting for privacy and security on the Internet, while dreaming about describing the Universe with equations and symbols.

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6 June 2024

Thoughts on folding schemes

by Danny Willems

Morning thoughts while talking to some friends.

The “relaxation” process in folding schemes are mostly about transforming polynomials into an homogeneous form of a certain degree, see o1Labs documentation. For instance, Nova introduced the concept of relaxation for degree 2 polynomials.

On the other side, jacobian coordinates and projective coordinates of elliptic curves (as a reminder, elliptic curves points are zeroes of multivariate polynomials - for instance P(X, Y) = X^3 + a X + b - Y^2) are homogeneous forms of the polynomial equations describing the curve. For instance, projective coordinates transform P(X, Y) = X^3 + a X + b - Y^2 into a polynomial P(X, Y, Z) = X^3 + a Z^2 X + b Z^3 - Z Y^2.

When we are making an IVC proof, we are aggregating randomized commitments, which are elliptic curves points of a prime order. Therefore, there are of the form g^x, with x being a scalar field, and g^x is a value that can be represented as a triplet satisfying an homogeneous polynomial. Thought stops here, but I’m wondering if we can make a link between both. And also if there are some optimisations possible for the IVC verifier.

Folding schemes allow to only focus on making a proof of the computation of P(X' + r X, Y' + r Y, Z' + r Z) which englobes the computation of P(r X, r Y, r Z) and P(X', Y', Z'), plus an additional error term we “ignore”, defined by a polynomial E(X, Y, Z, r X', r Y', r Z').

When we take rX, rY, rZ, if Z is the “u” in Nova, we take a certain point (a, b, c) from the class representing the value (x, y).


tags: folding - cryptography - homogeneous - multivariate polynomials